1 00:00:03,290 --> 00:00:18,219 [Music] 2 00:00:23,300 --> 00:00:25,359 you 3 00:00:28,070 --> 00:00:34,398 okay today I'd like to talk about using 4 00:00:31,550 --> 00:00:40,040 tritone substitutions in the left hand 5 00:00:34,399 --> 00:00:43,210 of this Trudel a system might be a good 6 00:00:40,039 --> 00:00:45,398 idea to kind of do a quick review of a 7 00:00:43,210 --> 00:00:47,299 couple of things the tritone 8 00:00:45,399 --> 00:00:49,279 substitution I want to deal with 9 00:00:47,299 --> 00:00:51,768 exclusively today is the one that 10 00:00:49,280 --> 00:00:54,198 includes the sharp 11 so let's discuss 11 00:00:51,768 --> 00:00:58,038 just a little bit of what a tritone is 12 00:00:54,198 --> 00:01:01,039 and what substitution means and then 13 00:00:58,039 --> 00:01:05,447 that sharp 11 in particular so the 14 00:01:01,039 --> 00:01:08,149 tritone is three it gets us draws its 15 00:01:05,448 --> 00:01:10,158 name because it encompasses it's an 16 00:01:08,150 --> 00:01:15,829 interval that encompasses three whole 17 00:01:10,159 --> 00:01:18,828 tones so like if we put a sheet up here 18 00:01:15,828 --> 00:01:22,459 you can see C to D is a whole tone D to 19 00:01:18,828 --> 00:01:24,828 e is a whole tone and E to F sharp is a 20 00:01:22,459 --> 00:01:29,029 whole tone so it has to it has to 21 00:01:24,828 --> 00:01:35,389 encompass three adjacent whole tones and 22 00:01:29,030 --> 00:01:38,319 that interval is a tritone and the 23 00:01:35,390 --> 00:01:42,409 substitution part is we can take a 24 00:01:38,319 --> 00:01:49,578 dominant chord like a five chord like in 25 00:01:42,409 --> 00:01:53,419 the key of C is g7 g7 chord g7 that goes 26 00:01:49,579 --> 00:01:55,939 to one we can we can substitute instead 27 00:01:53,420 --> 00:02:02,500 of using the g7 we can substitute with a 28 00:01:55,939 --> 00:02:05,538 chord that is a tritone higher than the 29 00:02:02,500 --> 00:02:13,009 the dominant chord so our G chord if we 30 00:02:05,540 --> 00:02:15,260 go up a tritone it's a D flat if we if 31 00:02:13,009 --> 00:02:19,848 we count up three whole tones from the 32 00:02:15,259 --> 00:02:23,919 root of our dominant chord we get a D 33 00:02:19,848 --> 00:02:23,918 flat and if we do the D flat seven 34 00:02:27,469 --> 00:02:31,678 that can take the place of the g7 and 35 00:02:30,150 --> 00:02:36,390 you can hear it something it sounds nice 36 00:02:31,680 --> 00:02:40,519 so the the g7 going to see but the kids 37 00:02:36,389 --> 00:02:40,517 with with the tritone substitution 38 00:02:41,000 --> 00:02:46,879 the sound referred plenty of times so 39 00:02:43,870 --> 00:02:51,350 that that's a tritone substitution on 40 00:02:46,879 --> 00:02:53,298 the dominant chord the one I again want 41 00:02:51,349 --> 00:02:56,089 to talk about is the one that has a 42 00:02:53,300 --> 00:02:58,309 sharp 11 because on the accordion it's 43 00:02:56,090 --> 00:03:02,120 unique in that it's exactly a carbon 44 00:02:58,310 --> 00:03:06,290 copy so I think easiest thing is to look 45 00:03:02,120 --> 00:03:09,410 at a c7 chord on the left hand and the 46 00:03:06,289 --> 00:03:14,738 Stradella system there's no v so the c7 47 00:03:09,409 --> 00:03:14,739 chord has the notes C 48 00:03:16,289 --> 00:03:23,457 if we add the F sharp which is the 49 00:03:20,878 --> 00:03:24,539 eleventh I've kind of skipped that have 50 00:03:23,459 --> 00:03:27,659 an eye maybe we should have look at that 51 00:03:24,539 --> 00:03:29,399 for a second the eleventh if you're not 52 00:03:27,658 --> 00:03:31,558 the sharp eleven if you're not familiar 53 00:03:29,400 --> 00:03:33,209 with what that is it's just you just 54 00:03:31,560 --> 00:03:35,848 count up the scale until you reach 55 00:03:33,209 --> 00:03:41,908 eleven and then you sharp it so if you 56 00:03:35,848 --> 00:03:49,767 go up the scale you sharpen that's an F 57 00:03:41,908 --> 00:03:51,088 sharp and something not to get confused 58 00:03:49,769 --> 00:03:52,979 with but it's something that makes this 59 00:03:51,090 --> 00:03:56,399 work so well is that F sharp that sharp 60 00:03:52,979 --> 00:04:06,298 eleven is also what we just discussed is 61 00:03:56,400 --> 00:04:09,569 the tritone it's the same note so here 62 00:04:06,299 --> 00:04:11,949 we have the sharp eleven and then our 63 00:04:09,568 --> 00:04:16,539 then our c7 chord 64 00:04:11,949 --> 00:04:18,548 [Music] 65 00:04:16,540 --> 00:04:21,299 or you can bring it down an octave which 66 00:04:18,550 --> 00:04:21,300 is much easier 67 00:04:21,370 --> 00:04:26,639 in the left hand then if we do the 68 00:04:24,129 --> 00:04:29,739 season we have sharp 69 00:04:26,639 --> 00:04:30,498 if we take it out and don't have it be a 70 00:04:29,740 --> 00:04:32,619 base out 71 00:04:30,500 --> 00:04:34,780 [Music] 72 00:04:32,620 --> 00:04:36,610 that's the cord we're looking at that's 73 00:04:34,779 --> 00:04:40,389 the cord that's the kind of magic cord I 74 00:04:36,610 --> 00:04:42,789 sometimes call it a worm the worm hole 75 00:04:40,389 --> 00:04:45,039 cord because it allows me to cover a lot 76 00:04:42,790 --> 00:04:47,080 of real estate in the left hand with a 77 00:04:45,040 --> 00:04:52,110 very small movement and gets me from 78 00:04:47,079 --> 00:04:54,789 place to place to place very easily so 79 00:04:52,110 --> 00:04:58,390 look at let's let's take a look at those 80 00:04:54,790 --> 00:04:59,860 notes on some staff paper 81 00:04:58,389 --> 00:05:04,009 [Music] 82 00:04:59,860 --> 00:05:07,159 CEF sharp and B flat now let's take the 83 00:05:04,009 --> 00:05:14,118 tritone that we're gonna substitute here 84 00:05:07,160 --> 00:05:19,519 and again we count up from the from the 85 00:05:14,120 --> 00:05:22,129 see the root of the C up try to get that 86 00:05:19,519 --> 00:05:25,299 F sharp let's go up in our left hand 87 00:05:22,129 --> 00:05:27,879 find the F sharp chord 88 00:05:25,300 --> 00:05:35,050 and now I'll look at the notes that are 89 00:05:27,879 --> 00:05:36,279 in that next to the c7 chord those are 90 00:05:35,050 --> 00:05:38,559 the chords in the f-sharp 91 00:05:36,279 --> 00:05:39,819 they often they would normally be 92 00:05:38,560 --> 00:05:46,800 written differently 93 00:05:39,819 --> 00:05:46,799 we got an F sharp a sharp e the a sharp 94 00:05:47,490 --> 00:05:52,240 can also be thought of as a b-flat 95 00:05:50,209 --> 00:05:55,588 [Music] 96 00:05:52,240 --> 00:05:55,590 and if we add the sea 97 00:05:56,009 --> 00:06:03,299 all of those notes in the F sharp chord 98 00:05:58,649 --> 00:06:09,328 with the sharp eleven that C are the 99 00:06:03,300 --> 00:06:12,120 same notes as our C with adding the F 100 00:06:09,329 --> 00:06:15,498 sharp through the same chord so these 101 00:06:12,120 --> 00:06:15,499 are a direct substitution 102 00:06:17,470 --> 00:06:20,920 so now that we're armed with that 103 00:06:19,000 --> 00:06:25,240 knowledge that we can have the same cord 104 00:06:20,920 --> 00:06:30,189 in two very different locations this 105 00:06:25,240 --> 00:06:34,269 opens up a lot of a lot of flexibility 106 00:06:30,189 --> 00:06:36,368 as far as making chromatic movements 107 00:06:34,269 --> 00:06:41,288 that are often really very difficult in 108 00:06:36,370 --> 00:06:45,809 the in the left hand let's go to the to 109 00:06:41,290 --> 00:06:49,690 the cords of pent-up house that I opened 110 00:06:45,810 --> 00:06:53,140 the video with and and look at those 111 00:06:49,689 --> 00:06:57,099 I've got in the chart I've got an a my 112 00:06:53,139 --> 00:07:02,039 are going to an A flat seven that's 113 00:06:57,100 --> 00:07:05,230 really a rough jump because I'm going 114 00:07:02,040 --> 00:07:07,589 I'm moving it all the way down to a flat 115 00:07:05,230 --> 00:07:07,589 cell 116 00:07:07,870 --> 00:07:15,459 and making that move there's so much air 117 00:07:13,839 --> 00:07:17,529 in there and there's so much room for 118 00:07:15,459 --> 00:07:19,028 error because you really have to you 119 00:07:17,529 --> 00:07:24,788 have to move fast and you have to find 120 00:07:19,029 --> 00:07:26,769 the right spot it's tough so let's think 121 00:07:24,788 --> 00:07:31,597 about what we were just discussing now 122 00:07:26,769 --> 00:07:33,969 if we take if we take instead of going 123 00:07:31,598 --> 00:07:37,388 to the a flat seven 124 00:07:33,970 --> 00:07:51,909 what's the tritone of a-flat 125 00:07:37,389 --> 00:07:54,509 and we go it's a D and if we only had to 126 00:07:51,908 --> 00:07:54,508 go to a D 127 00:07:54,899 --> 00:08:05,018 that would be its right next door it's 128 00:07:58,029 --> 00:08:08,368 great can we if so if we take the you 129 00:08:05,019 --> 00:08:08,369 take the D and add the 130 00:08:09,069 --> 00:08:18,848 the tritone now all of a sudden we've 131 00:08:12,550 --> 00:08:21,669 got we've got a a an A flat dominant 132 00:08:18,850 --> 00:08:34,869 with a sharp 11 in it and for this 133 00:08:21,670 --> 00:08:37,840 particular song it sounds great if I had 134 00:08:34,870 --> 00:08:48,030 to do that with the way it was written 135 00:08:37,840 --> 00:08:50,320 with with just an A flat seven I 136 00:08:48,029 --> 00:08:52,538 probably could never get any great speed 137 00:08:50,320 --> 00:09:04,950 out of that I mean when we're pretty 138 00:08:52,539 --> 00:09:07,419 hard there's so much room for error 139 00:09:04,950 --> 00:09:08,709 because it's just too much too much real 140 00:09:07,419 --> 00:09:14,709 estate to go back and forth on the 141 00:09:08,710 --> 00:09:26,170 lefthand that way but here it's a piece 142 00:09:14,710 --> 00:09:28,090 of cake it's really easy so that's 143 00:09:26,169 --> 00:09:29,619 something to look at if you've got 144 00:09:28,090 --> 00:09:33,700 something that's moving chromatically 145 00:09:29,620 --> 00:09:37,780 and you're doing a jazz tune explore 146 00:09:33,700 --> 00:09:40,539 whether the chord the tritone the 147 00:09:37,779 --> 00:09:45,668 tritone away is that gonna lay easier it 148 00:09:40,539 --> 00:09:47,529 can you grab the bass note and and and 149 00:09:45,669 --> 00:09:50,888 make that and make that work a lot 150 00:09:47,529 --> 00:09:53,019 easier for you so something something 151 00:09:50,889 --> 00:09:57,249 you can put in practice all the time in 152 00:09:53,019 --> 00:10:02,618 your and your Jazz Studies just as an 153 00:09:57,250 --> 00:10:06,070 aside when you when you get to playing 154 00:10:02,620 --> 00:10:10,030 around with try John Jones you'll notice 155 00:10:06,070 --> 00:10:11,680 I am invariably and sometimes mistakenly 156 00:10:10,029 --> 00:10:14,368 and grabbed a tried hug because they're 157 00:10:11,679 --> 00:10:14,369 so fun to play 158 00:10:14,450 --> 00:10:16,510 you 159 00:10:16,869 --> 00:10:24,559 they sound great to my ear but you'll 160 00:10:20,958 --> 00:10:26,927 notice that if you start start coupling 161 00:10:24,558 --> 00:10:31,159 those frightens with using both base 162 00:10:26,928 --> 00:10:33,197 notes it's a little thick but you'll 163 00:10:31,159 --> 00:10:35,267 notice that it sounds chromatic things 164 00:10:33,198 --> 00:10:37,218 things a lot of things start coming out 165 00:10:35,269 --> 00:10:41,438 chromatic and if you run through the 166 00:10:37,220 --> 00:10:51,379 circle of fifths in the left hand it's 167 00:10:41,438 --> 00:10:55,457 sounds like the circle of fifths if you 168 00:10:51,379 --> 00:11:01,689 add the tritone with with the root base 169 00:10:55,458 --> 00:11:01,688 in base the same thing 170 00:11:05,350 --> 00:11:11,928 it sounds chromatic the the brain 171 00:11:09,259 --> 00:11:14,419 translates as this is a descending 172 00:11:11,928 --> 00:11:15,269 chromatic line even though we're doing 173 00:11:14,418 --> 00:11:19,408 fifths 174 00:11:15,269 --> 00:11:19,408 [Music] 175 00:11:20,580 --> 00:11:30,410 it definitely sounds chromatic and you 176 00:11:22,320 --> 00:11:32,999 can also ascend chromatically so 177 00:11:30,409 --> 00:11:35,128 hopefully this will open up all kind of 178 00:11:33,000 --> 00:11:38,040 avenues for anytime you you hit 179 00:11:35,129 --> 00:11:42,319 someplace where you have to make a 180 00:11:38,039 --> 00:11:47,548 chromatic move you can grab the tritone 181 00:11:42,320 --> 00:11:50,329 that's related to that chord and use 182 00:11:47,549 --> 00:11:57,558 that for your for your seventh chord 183 00:11:50,330 --> 00:11:57,559 [Music] 184 00:12:02,919 --> 00:12:07,119 Hey hope that helps you a little bit 185 00:12:08,230 --> 00:12:11,350 [Music] 186 00:12:14,179 --> 00:12:16,239 you