<_name>Desktop Cutting Plotter org.ekips.output.dxf_outlines org.inkscape.output.svg.inkscape dxf_outlines.py inkex.py false true <_item value="72./96">pt <_item value="1./16">pc <_item value="1.">px <_item value="25.4/96">mm <_item value="2.54/96">cm <_item value=".0254/96">m <_item value="1./96">in <_item value="1./1152">ft <_item value="latin_1">Latin 1 <_item value="cp1250">CP 1250 <_item value="cp1252">CP 1252 <_item value="utf_8">UTF 8 <_item value="all">All (default) <_item value="visible">Visible only <_item value="name">By name match <_param name="inputhelp" type="description" xml:space="preserve">- AutoCAD Release 14 DXF format. - The base unit parameter specifies in what unit the coordinates are output (96 px = 1 in). - Supported element types - paths (lines and splines) - rectangles - clones (the crossreference to the original is lost) - ROBO-Master spline output is a specialized spline readable only by ROBO-Master and AutoDesk viewers, not Inkscape. - LWPOLYLINE output is a multiply-connected polyline, disable it to use a legacy version of the LINE output. - You can choose to export all layers, only visible ones or by name match (case insensitive and use comma ',' as separator) .dxf image/dxf <_filetypename>Desktop Cutting Plotter (AutoCAD DXF R14) (*.dxf) <_filetypetooltip>Desktop Cutting Plotter true