// MetaHook Include // Version 3.0 // Author: Martin // Editor: Csoldjb #if defined _metahook_included #endinput #endif #define _metahook_included #if AMXX_VERSION_NUM >= 175 #pragma reqlib metahook #if !defined AMXMODX_NOAUTOLOAD #pragma loadlib metahook #endif #else #pragma library metahook #endif native MH_IsMetaHookPlayer(id) //Note: You mustn't send a metahook message to a player that doesn't use metahook , or you will get an error message in console. //So use this native to check whether a player use metahook. native MH_DrawTargaImage(id,sTga[],iFunc,iCenter,iR,iG,iB,Float:fX,Float:fY,iMode,iChann,Float:fDisplayTime) //Note: Param iFunc has no use,just set this = 1. //iMode // 1 -- FADE IN // 2 -- FADE OUT // 3 -- FADE IN then FADE OUT // 0 -- NONE //iChann 1-700 native MH_PlayBink(id,sBink[],Float:x,Float:y,iR,iG,iB,iLoop,iPlay,iCenter,iFullScreen) //Note: if iLoop = 1, The Bink will not stop unless you set iPlay equal 1. //Play a new Bink may cause lag.Because first play will precache it.Once finished , next play will not cause lag. //You can only play ONE bink at a time native MH_DrawFollowIcon(iIndex, const szSprite[] , iOriginX, iOriginY , iOriginZ, iToggle, iDistance, iChannel , r ,g ,b ) native MH_DrawFollowIconToggle(iIndex,iToggle); native MH_DrawFollowIconReset(iIndex); //iChann 1-10 //Note:szSprite should be defined in hud.txt native MH_DrawImage(iIndex, iCheck = 1, iCenter = 1, const szSprite[], Float:x = 0.5, Float:y = 0.5, r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, iMode = 0, Float:flDisplayTime = 1.0, iChanne = 0, iLength) //Note:Just like draw targa image //If iCheck = 1,szSprite should be defined in hud.txt else szSprite is the sprite file (szSprite.spr in sprites folder) //iChann 1-20 native MH_DrawAdditiveImage(iIndex, iCheck = 1, iCenter = 1, const szSprite[], Float:x = 0.5, Float:y = 0.5, r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, iMode = 0, Float:flDisplayTime = 1.0, iChanne = 0, iLength) native MH_DrawHolesImage(iIndex, iCheck = 1, iCenter = 1, const szSprite[], Float:x = 0.5, Float:y = 0.5, r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, iMode = 0, Float:flDisplayTime = 1.0, iChanne = 0, iLength) native MH_DrawText(iIndex, iCenter = 1, const szText[], Float:x = 0.5, Float:y = 0.5, r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, Float:flDisplayTime = 1.0, iChanne = 0) native MH_SetViewEntityBody(iIndex, iBody = -1) native MH_SetViewEntityRender(iIndex, iMode = -1, iEffect, iColorR, iColorG, iColorB, iAmout) native MH_DrawScaleTga(id,sTga[],Float:fX,Float:fT,iR,iG,iB,iAplha,Float:fMul,Float:fTime,iChan) //Note:Feel this in game XD //iChann 1-10 native MH_DrawScoreBoard(iIndex, const szScoreBoardNameSprite[], iTopLeftNum, iTopCenterNum, iTopRightNum, iDownLeftNum, iDownRightNum ,iMode) /* AMXX-Studio Notes - DO NOT MODIFY BELOW HERE *{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1057\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par } */