*This Q on CV - http://stats.stackexchange.com/q/113314/1036. DATASET ACTIVATE rwjCounty. SPSSINC GETURI DATA URI="https://dl.dropbox.com/s/8g31cjf8vr69i44/rwj%20county%20data.xls?dl=0" FILETYPE=XLS DATASET=rwjCounty /OPTIONS SHEETNUMBER=1 READNAMES=YES ASSUMEDSTRWIDTH=32767. *If you dont have the GETURI data command. *Save it to a local location and insert handle. * FILE HANDLE data /NAME = "??Your Handle Here??". * GET DATA /TYPE=XLS /FILE='data\rwj county data.xls' /SHEET=name 'Sheet1' /CELLRANGE=full /READNAMES=on /ASSUMEDSTRWIDTH=32767. * EXECUTE. * DATASET NAME rwjCounty. *Getting rid of superflous variables. MATCH FILES FILE = * /KEEP FreeLunch FoodInsecure Rural Female @18 Hispanic. FREQ VAR FreeLunch FoodInsecure Rural Female @18 Hispanic /FORMAT = NOTABLE /STATISTICS = MEAN STDDEV MIN MAX. REGRESSION /MISSING LISTWISE /STATISTICS COEFF /DEPENDENT FreeLunch /METHOD=ENTER FoodInsecure Rural Female @18 Hispanic. *******************************************************. *This produces. * Coeff. S.E. *------------------------------------------------- *(Constant) -139.616 66.652 *FoodInsecure 2.785 .674 *Rural .131 .048 *Female 2.657 1.170 *@18 < 18 -.416 .583 *Hispanic 1.156 .236 *-------------------------------------------------- *Dependent Variable: FreeLunch % Free Lunch *******************************************************. *This code exports to Stata and estimates the same model. *SAVE TRANSLATE OUTFILE='\\finnhudson\USERS_REDIRECT$\andrew.wheeler\Desktop\test.dta' /TYPE=STATA /VERSION=8 /EDITION=SE /MAP /REPLACE. *This is the stata command to replicate numbers here. *use "\\finnhudson\USERS_REDIRECT$\andrew.wheeler\Desktop\test.dta" *regress FreeLunch FoodInsecure Rural Female A_18 Hispanic *This reproduces the same SPSS numbers.