#!/bin/bash # # This script gathers information necessary for troubleshooting a wireless # connection and saves it in a text file, wrapping it in an archive if it # exceeds the size limit of 19.5 kB. # ############################################################################ # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # FILEBASE="wireless-info" MODMATCHES="(air|ar5|ath[^3]|carl|at7|ipw|iwl|rt[23567l]|r(818|871)|8192[cd]|r92su|ssb|wl|b43|bcma|brcm|ndis|eth[1-9]|firm|etwork)[^[:punct:] ]*" clear printf "\n **** PLEASE WAIT WHILE THE SCRIPT GENERATES THE REPORT **** If this takes more than 1 minute, you may abort the script by pressing \"Ctrl+Z\" on your keyboard. (Type your Login Password when asked, then press 'Enter')\n\n" exec 3>&1 4>&2 exec 1> $FILEBASE.tmp 2> /dev/null if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then printf "\nCould not write target file \"$FILEBASE.txt\", aborting.\n\n" exit 1 fi FILL=$(printf "%.1s" "~"{1..36}) FMT="\n%.36s\n" ## Wireless-Info START printf "\n\t======== Wireless-Info START ========\n" printf "$FMT\n" "System-Info $FILL" printf "$(uname -nrm), $(lsb_release -dcs | sed '/$/ {N; s:\n:, :}')\n" CPU=$(grep -m1 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo); CPU=${CPU#*: } MEM=$(free -m | awk 'NR==2 {print $2}') printf "\nCPU : $CPU\nMemory : $MEM MB\nUptime :" uptime ## lspci printf "\n$FMT\n" "lspci $FILL" lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net ## lsusb printf "\n$FMT\n" "lsusb $FILL" lsusb ## PCMCIA Card Info printf "\n$FMT\n" "PCMCIA Card Info $FILL" pccardctl info ## iwconfig printf "\n$FMT\n" "iwconfig $FILL" iwconfig ## rfkill printf "\n$FMT\n" "rfkill $FILL" RFKILL=$(rfkill list all) if [ "$RFKILL" ]; then WIDTH=$(grep ^[0-9] <<< "$RFKILL" | wc -L) printf "%-*s %s %s" $WIDTH " Interface" "Soft blocked" "Hard blocked" while read LINE; do if [ $(grep -o ^[0-9] <<< "$LINE") ]; then printf "\n%-$WIDTH.40s " "$LINE" elif [ $(grep -o '^Soft' <<< "$LINE") ]; then printf "%-14s" " ${LINE#*: }" else printf "%s" " ${LINE#*: }" fi done <<< "$RFKILL" fi ## lsmod printf "\n\n$FMT\n" "lsmod $FILL" LSMOD=$(lsmod | egrep "(^|[[:punct:] ])(${MODMATCHES}|wmi|ideapad)([[:punct:] ]|$)") printf "$LSMOD\n" ## module parameters printf "\n$FMT" "module parameters $FILL" MODULES=$(awk '{print $1}' <<< "$LSMOD") while read LINE do if [ -d /sys/module/$LINE/parameters ]; then printf "\n%-12s %4s: " "$LINE" "($(ls -1 /sys/module/$LINE/parameters | wc -l))" PARMS=$(grep -H [[:graph:]] /sys/module/"$LINE"/parameters/*) PARMS=$(while read i; do printf "${i##*/} | "; done <<< "$PARMS") PARMS=${PARMS//:/=}; PARMS=${PARMS% | } printf "$PARMS" fi done <<< "$MODULES" | sort -d ## nm-tool printf "\n$FMT\n" "nm-tool $FILL" NMTOOL=$(nm-tool | egrep -v '^Net|^$|^ (Cap|IPv|Wir| Car)' | \ sed -r '/^- Device:/ s/([[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]]:){5}[[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]]//') F1=$(($(grep -o '^- Device: .* -' <<< "$NMTOOL" | wc -L)-10)); if [ $F1 -lt 16 ];then F1=16; fi F2=$(($(grep '^ Type' <<< "$NMTOOL" | wc -L)-19)); if [ $F2 -lt 6 ];then F2=6; fi F3=$(($(grep '^ Driver' <<< "$NMTOOL" | wc -L)-19)); if [ $F3 -lt 8 ];then F3=8; fi F4=$(($(grep '^ State' <<< "$NMTOOL" | wc -L)-19)); if [ $F4 -lt 8 ];then F4=8; fi #F4=14; F5=9; F6=11; F7=11; F8=14 # State, Default, MAC ID, Speed, WEP/WPA/WPA2 WIDTH=$((F1+F2+F3+F4+F5+F6+F7+F8+7)) P1=$(printf '%0.1s' "="{1..60}) P2=$(printf '%0.1s' "-"{1..160}) FORMAT="%-${F1}s|%-${F2}s|%-${F3}s|%-${F4}s|%-${F5}s|%-${F7}s|%-${F8}s|%-${F6}s" HEAD=$(printf $FORMAT " Interface & ID" " Type" " Driver" " State" " Default" " Speed" " Support" " HW Addr") L1=$(printf '%.*so%.*so%.*so%.*so%.*so%.*so%.*so%.*s' $F1 $P1 $F2 $P1 $F3 $P1 $F4 $P1 $F5 $P1 $F7 $P1 $F8 $P1 $F6 $P1) L2=$(printf '%.*s+%.*s+%.*s+%.*s+%.*s+%.*s+%.*s+%.*s' $F1 $P2 $F2 $P2 $F3 $P2 $F4 $P2 $F5 $P2 $F7 $P2 $F8 $P2 $F6 $P2) printf "$(head -1 <<< "$NMTOOL")\n" NMTOOL=$(tail -n +2 <<< "$NMTOOL") printf -- "$L1\n$HEAD\n$L1" DEVRANGES=$(printf "$(sed -n '/^- Device/ =' <<< "$NMTOOL")\n$(($(wc -l <<< "$NMTOOL")+1))"); PREV=0 while read CURR; do if [ $PREV -eq 0 ]; then PREV=$CURR else RANGE=$(sed -n "$PREV,$((CURR - 1)) p" <<< "$NMTOOL") SUBRANGE1=$(grep 'Freq .* Rate .* Strength ' <<< "$RANGE") SUBRANGE2=$(egrep '^ (Address|Prefix|Gateway|DNS)' <<< "$RANGE") ID=$(grep '^- Dev' <<< "$RANGE"); ID=${ID#*: }; ID=${ID% -*} TYPE=$(grep '^ Type' <<< "$RANGE"); TYPE=${TYPE##* } DRVR=$(grep '^ Driver' <<< "$RANGE"); DRVR=${DRVR##* } STATE=$(grep '^ State' <<< "$RANGE"); STATE=${STATE##* } DEF=$(grep '^ Default' <<< "$RANGE"); DEF=${DEF##* } HW=$(grep '^ HW' <<< "$RANGE"); HW=${HW##* } SPEED=$(grep '^ Speed' <<< "$RANGE"); SPEED=${SPEED##* } WEP=$(grep '^ WEP' <<< "$RANGE"); WEP=${WEP##* }; WEP=${WEP/yes/WEP/}; WEP=${WEP/no/} WPA=$(grep '^ WPA ' <<< "$RANGE"); WPA=${WPA##* }; WPA=${WPA/yes/WPA/}; WPA=${WPA/no/} WPA2=$(grep '^ WPA2 ' <<< "$RANGE"); WPA2=${WPA2##* }; WPA2=${WPA2/yes/WPA2}; WPA2=${WPA2/no/} printf "\n$FORMAT" " $ID" " $TYPE" " $DRVR" " $STATE" " $DEF" " $SPEED" " $WEP$WPA$WPA2" " $HW" if [ "$SUBRANGE1" ]; then printf "\n\n$SUBRANGE1" fi if [ "$SUBRANGE2" ]; then SUBRANGE2=${SUBRANGE2// Address/\\n Address} printf "\n$SUBRANGE2" fi printf "\n$L2" PREV=$CURR fi done <<< "$DEVRANGES" ## NetworkManager.state printf "\n\n$FMT" "NetworkManager.state $FILL" cat /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state ## NetworkManager.conf printf "\n$FMT\n" "NetworkManager.conf $FILL" grep -v '^#' /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf if [ -f /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf ]; then printf "nm-system-settings.conf (used up to 10.04):\n" grep -v '^#' /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf fi ## NM-Connection-Profiles printf "\n$FMT" "NM WiFi Profiles $FILL" CON_PROFILES=$(sudo grep -hA40 -B4 '^type=802-11-wireless' /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/* |\ egrep '^id=|^permissions|^autoconnect|^ssid|^mac-address|^bssid|^mtu|ipv4|ipv6|^method|ca-cert') CON_PROFILES=$(while read LINE; do if [ "$(grep '^id=' <<< "$LINE")" ]; then ID=${LINE##id=} printf "\n%-20s : " "$ID" else echo -e "$LINE \c" fi done <<< "$CON_PROFILES") CON_PROFILES=$(sed -r 's/( permissions=[[:graph:]]*)/ |&/; s/ autoconnect=[a-z]*/ |&/; s/ mac-address=[[:graph:]]*/ |&/ s/ bssid=[[:graph:]]*/ |&/; s/ mtu=[0-9]*/ |&/; s/ \[(ipv[46])\] method(=[a-z]*)/ | \1\2/g s/ [[:graph:]]*a-cert[[:graph:]]*/ |&/' <<< "$CON_PROFILES") CON_PROFILES=$(sed -r 's/(\| .*) (ssid=[[:graph:]]* )/\2\1 /' <<< "$CON_PROFILES") printf "$CON_PROFILES\n" ## interfaces printf "\n$FMT\n" "interfaces $FILL" sed -r 's/wpa-psk [[:graph:]]+/wpa-psk /' /etc/network/interfaces ## resolv.conf printf "$FMT\n" "resolv.conf $FILL" grep -v '^#' /etc/resolv.conf ## Routes & Ping printf "\n$FMT\n" "Routes & Ping $FILL" ROUTE=$(route -n) printf "$ROUTE\n" GW=$(awk 'NR==3 {print $2}' <<< "$ROUTE") if [ "$GW" != "" ]; then ping -nqw4 -c2 "$GW" | sed '/^PING/ d' if [ -e /run/nm-dns-dnsmasq.conf ]; then DNS=$(sed -n 's:^server=::p' /run/nm-dns-dnsmasq.conf) else DNS=$(sed -n 's:^nameserver ::p' /etc/resolv.conf) fi if [ "$DNS" ]; then while read LINE; do ping -nqw2 -c2 "$LINE" | sed '/^PING/ d' done <<< "$DNS" fi fi ## iw reg get printf "\n$FMT\n" "iw reg get $FILL" printf "$(locale | sed -n '/IDENT/ s/LC.*=\(.*\)/(Region : \1)/p')\n" iw reg get ## iwlist chan printf "\n$FMT\n" "iwlist chan $FILL" CHAN=$(iwlist chan) START=""; BUFF1=""; BUFF2="";FLAG=0; BUFFLEN=0 while read LINE; do CH=${LINE#*Channel 0}; CH=${CH#*Channel }; CH=${CH% : *} if [ ${#LINE} -gt 25 ]; then if [ -z "$START" ]; then printf "$LINE\n" elif [ $FLAG -eq 0 ]; then printf " $START%s\n\n $LINE\n" " - $BUFF1" else printf " $START\n\n $LINE\n" fi elif [ -z "$START" ]; then START=${LINE/: /(}; START=${START/z/z)}; COUNT=$((CH + 1)) elif [ $CH -eq $COUNT ]; then BUFF1=${LINE#*Channel }; BUFF1=${BUFF1/: /(}; BUFF1=${BUFF1/z/z)}; COUNT=$((COUNT + 1)); FLAG=0 elif [ $FLAG -eq 0 ]; then printf " $START%s\n" " - $BUFF1"; START=${LINE/: /(}; START=${START/z/z)}; COUNT=$((CH + 1)); FLAG=1 else printf " $START\n"; START=${LINE/: /(}; START=${START/z/z)}; COUNT=$((CH + 1)) fi BUFFLEN=${#LINE} done <<< "$CHAN" if [ $BUFFLEN -lt 26 ];then printf " $START%s\n" " - $BUFF1"; fi ## iwlist scan printf "\n$FMT\n" "iwlist scan $FILL" IWLIST=$(if [ -t 0 ]; then sudo iwlist scan || echo "Aquiring of root rights failed." elif [ -x /usr/bin/gksudo ]; then gksudo iwlist scan || echo "Aquiring of root rights failed." elif [ -x /usr/bin/kdesudo ]; then kdesudo iwlist scan || echo "Aquiring of root rights failed." else echo "No way to aquire root rights found." fi | grep -v 'IE: Unknown: ') # Filtered out uninteresting lines from the output if [ "$IWLIST" ]; then printf "$IWLIST\n" fi ## blacklist printf "\n$FMT" "blacklist $FILL" for CONFFILE1 in /etc/modprobe.d/*.conf; do if [ "$(egrep -v 'alsa-base|blacklist-(firewire|framebuffer|modem|oss|watchdog)|fglrx|nvidia|fbdev|bumblebee' <<< $CONFFILE1)" ]; then # filter out default blacklist entries BLACKLIST=$(grep '^blacklist' $CONFFILE1 |\ egrep -v 'evbug|usb(kbd|mouse)|eepro|de4x5|eth1394| snd_|i2c_|prism54|bcm43xx|garmin|asus_acpi|pcspkr|amd76x') if [ "$BLACKLIST" ]; then printf "\n[%s]\n%s\n" $CONFFILE1 "$BLACKLIST" fi fi done ## modinfo printf "\n$FMT\n" "modinfo $FILL" MODULNAMES=$(grep -v sparse <<< "$LSMOD" | awk '{print $1}') for MODULE in $MODULNAMES; do printf "[$MODULE]\n" modinfo $MODULE | egrep -i 'filename|version:|firmware|depends|parm:' echo done ## udev rules printf "$FMT" "udev rules $FILL" egrep '^(#.*device|[^#]|$)' /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules ## Custom files/entries printf "\n$FMT\n" "Custom files/entries $FILL" # extra modules in /etc/modules if [ $(egrep -v '^#|^$|^lp|^rtc|^vhba' /etc/modules | wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then MODFLAG=0 STATUS="Default" else MODFLAG=1 STATUS="Not Default" fi printf "%-20s: $STATUS\n" "/etc/modules" # extra entries in /etc/rc.local if [ $(egrep -v '^#|^exit 0|^$' /etc/rc.local | wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then RCFLAG=0 STATUS="Default" else RCFLAG=1 STATUS="Not Default" fi printf "%-20s: $STATUS\n" "/etc/rc.local" # extra files in /etc/modprobe.d CONFFILE2=$(egrep -vl '^#|^black|alias|^$' /etc/modprobe.d/* | cut -d '/' -f 4- | egrep -v '^vmw|^alsa|^oss-') if [ -z "$CONFFILE2" ]; then MODCONFFLAG=0 STATUS="Default" else MODCONFFLAG=1 STATUS="Not Default" fi printf "%-20s: $STATUS\n" "/etc/modprobe.d" # extra files in /etc/pm/(config.d|power.d|sleep.d) PMFLAG=0 if [ "$(ls /etc/pm/config.d/)" ]; then PMFLAG=1; PCONFLAG=1 else PCONFLAG=0 fi if [ "$(ls /etc/pm/power.d/)" ]; then PMFLAG=1; PPOWFLAG=1 else PPOWFLAG=0 fi SLEEP_D=$(find -L /etc/pm/sleep.d -type f | egrep -v '10_grub-common|10_unattended-upgrades|novatel_3g') if [ "$SLEEP_D" ]; then PMFLAG=1; PSLFLAG=1 else PSLFLAG=0 fi if [ $PMFLAG -eq 0 ]; then STATUS="Default" else STATUS="Not Default" fi printf "%-20s: $STATUS\n" "/etc/pm/(cnf|pw|sl)" # Parsing Non-Default files/entries if [ $MODFLAG -eq 1 ]; then printf "\n[/etc/modules]\n" egrep -v '^#|^$|^lp|^rtc|^vhba' /etc/modules fi if [ $RCFLAG -eq 1 ]; then printf "\n[/etc/rc.local]\n" egrep -v '^#|^$' /etc/rc.local fi if [ $MODCONFFLAG -eq 1 ]; then printf "\n[/etc/modprobe.d]\n" #sed 's/:/ : /' <<< "$CONFFILE2" for i in $CONFFILE2; do LINES=$(egrep -v '^#|^$' /etc/modprobe.d/"$i") if [ $(wc -l <<< "$LINES") -lt 2 ]; then printf "%-18s: %s\n" "$i" "$LINES" else printf "%-18s: " "$i" sed -n '1 p; 2,$ s/.*/ &/p' <<< "$LINES" fi done fi if [ $PMFLAG -eq 1 ]; then # /etc/pm/config.d/* if [ $PCONFLAG -eq 1 ]; then for PMCONFIG in /etc/pm/config.d/*; do if [ -x "$PMCONFIG" ]; then printf "\n[$PMCONFIG] [executable]\n" else printf "\n[$PMCONFIG]\n" fi cat "$PMCONFIG" done fi # /etc/pm/power.d/* if [ $PPOWFLAG -eq 1 ]; then for PMPOWER in /etc/pm/power.d/*; do if [ -x "$PMPOWER" ]; then printf "\n[$PMPOWER] [executable]\n" else printf "\n[$PMPOWER]\n" fi cat "$PMPOWER" done fi # /etc/pm/sleep.d/* if [ $PSLFLAG -eq 1 ]; then for PMSLEEP in $SLEEP_D; do if [ -x "$PMSLEEP" ]; then printf "\n[$PMSLEEP] [executable]\n" else printf "\n[$PMSLEEP]\n" fi cat "$PMSLEEP" done fi fi ## Kernel boot line printf "\n$FMT\n" "Kernel boot line $FILL" cat /proc/cmdline ## dmesg printf "\n$FMT\n" "dmesg $FILL" dmesg | egrep "[[:punct:] ]${MODMATCHES}[[:punct:] ]|net|ra[0-4]|wmi" printf "\n\t======== Done ========\n\n" exec 1>&3 3>&- exec 2>&4 4>&- # filter MAC IDs of interfaces MAC_FILTER_IFACES=$(sed -r '/NAME="/ !d; s/.*(([[:alnum:]]{2}:){5}[[:alnum:]]{2}).*NAME="(.*)"/s\/\1\/\\/I/' /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules) # filter MAC IDs from iwlist scan MAC_FILTER_IWLIST=$(sed -rn '/Cell / p; /ESSID:"/ p' <<< "$IWLIST" | sed -r '/Cell / N; {s/.* Cell ([[:digit:]]{2}).*(([[:alnum:]]{2}:){5}[[:alnum:]]{2}).*ESSID:"(.*)"/s|\2|\|I/}') # filter MAC IDs from nm-tool cache MAC_FILTER_NMTOOL=$(str_prev=""; loop=1 sed -rn '/, (([[:alnum:]]{2}:){5}[[:alnum:]]{2}), / p' <<< "$NMTOOL" | sort |\ sed -r 's/ *([[:graph:]].*): .* (([[:alnum:]]{2}:){5}[[:alnum:]]{2}), .*/s|\2|\|I/' |\ while read LINE; do if [ "$(echo $LINE | cut -d " " -f 2)" = "$str_prev" ]; then let loop=loop+1 else loop=1 fi sed "s/\(.*MAC \)\(.*\)\(>.\)/\1C-NA \2 $loop\3/" <<< "$LINE" str_prev=$(echo "$LINE" | cut -d " " -f 2) done) # Original filter for leftover MAC IDs MAC_FILTER_GENERAL='s/([[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]]:){5}[[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]]//' RESULTS=$(sed -r "$MAC_FILTER_IFACES" $FILEBASE.tmp) RESULTS=$(sed -r "$MAC_FILTER_IWLIST" <<< "$RESULTS") RESULTS=$(sed -r "$MAC_FILTER_NMTOOL" <<< "$RESULTS") sed -r "$MAC_FILTER_GENERAL" <<< "$RESULTS" > $FILEBASE.txt rm $FILEBASE.tmp LINE=$(printf "%0.1s" "#"{1..72}) if [ $(stat -c %s $FILEBASE.txt) -gt 19968 ]; then tar -czf $FILEBASE.tar.gz $FILEBASE.txt rm -f $FILEBASE.txt FILENAME="$FILEBASE.tar.gz" else FILENAME="$FILEBASE.txt" fi MSG=" DONE! All results saved in - File Name: \t\"$FILENAME\" \n\t\t Directory: \t\"$(pwd)\" Please upload the above file or its contents where you are seeking help. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: Although we have taken full precaution to filter out all sensitive information, it is recommended to take a look at the file yourself to be double sure that it contains no sensitive data. ------------------------------------------------------------------------" printf "\n\n $LINE\n\n$MSG\n\n $LINE\n\n\n\n"