####################################################################################### #Example of having spatstat return the numerator for calculating inverse distance #weighting, can be useful to estimate the variance #see source for C function, https://github.com/spatstat/spatstat/blob/35532d5d3a121fb1c499f3fb9e9c00b836f9d326/src/idw.c #That was simple, C function returns the numerator and the denominator #Just prevent idw from only returning the ratio, and return the full z object #also accumulates necessary info to calculate the variance library(spatstat) library(inline) UpdateIDW_c <-" int N, i, Nx, Ny, ix, iy; double xg, yg, x0, dx, y0, dy, pon2, d2, w, sumw, delta, mean, m2, r, sumw2; N = *n; Nx = *nx; Ny = *ny; x0 = *xstart; y0 = *ystart; dx = *xstep; dy = *ystep; pon2 = (*power)/2.0; if(pon2 == 1.0) { /* slightly faster code when power=2 */ for(ix = 0, xg=x0; ix < Nx; ix++, xg+=dx) { if(ix % 256 == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt(); for(iy = 0, yg=y0; iy < Ny; iy++, yg+=dy) { sumw = 0; sumw2 = 0; mean = 0; m2 = 0; /* loop over data points, online variance estimate, see http://stats.stackexchange.com/a/235151/1036 */ for(i = 0; i < N; i++) { d2 = (xg - x[i]) * (xg - x[i]) + (yg - y[i]) * (yg - y[i]); w = 1.0/d2; sumw += w; sumw2 += w*w; delta = v[i] - mean; r = delta*w / sumw; mean += r; m2 += (sumw - w) * delta * r; } /* compute ratio and variance, replace denominator with sumw for ML estimate */ MAT(rat, ix, iy, Ny) = mean; MAT(var, ix, iy, Ny) = m2 / sumw; } } } else { /* general case */ for(ix = 0, xg=x0; ix < Nx; ix++, xg+=dx) { if(ix % 256 == 0) R_CheckUserInterrupt(); for(iy = 0, yg=y0; iy < Ny; iy++, yg+=dy) { sumw = 0; sumw2 = 0; mean = 0; m2 = 0; /* loop over data points, accumulating numerator and denominator */ for(i = 0; i < N; i++) { d2 = (xg - x[i]) * (xg - x[i]) + (yg - y[i]) * (yg - y[i]); w = 1.0/pow(d2, pon2); sumw += w; sumw2 += w*w; delta = v[i] - mean; r = delta*w / sumw; mean += r; m2 += (sumw - w) * delta * r; } /* compute ratio and variance, use sumw for the denominator for ML estimate */ MAT(rat, ix, iy, Ny) = mean; MAT(var, ix, iy, Ny) = m2 / sumw; } } } " #Took out #include "chunkloop.h" HeadInc <- " #include #include #define MAT(X,I,J,NROW) (X)[(J) + (NROW) * (I)] " Cidw2 <- cfunction(signature(x = "numeric", y = "numeric", v = "numeric", n = "integer", xstart = "numeric", xstep = "numeric", nx = "integer", ystart = "numeric", ystep = "numeric", ny = "numeric", power = "numeric", rat = "numeric", var = "numeric"), UpdateIDW_c, language = "C", includes=HeadInc, convention = ".C") idw2 <- function (X, power = 2, at = "pixels", ...) { stopifnot(is.ppp(X) && is.marked(X)) marx <- marks(X) if (is.data.frame(marx)) { if (ncol(marx) > 1) { out <- list() for (j in 1:ncol(marx)) out[[j]] <- idw(X %mark% marx[, j], power = power, at = at, ...) names(out) <- names(marx) switch(at, pixels = { out <- as.solist(out) }, points = { out <- as.data.frame(out) }) return(out) } else marx <- marx[, 1] } if (!is.numeric(marx)) stop("Marks must be numeric") check.1.real(power) switch(at, pixels = { W <- as.mask(as.owin(X), ...) dim <- W$dim npixels <- prod(dim) z <- Cidw2(x = as.double(X$x), y = as.double(X$y), v = as.double(marx), n = as.integer(npoints(X)), xstart = as.double(W$xcol[1]), xstep = as.double(W$xstep), nx = as.integer(dim[2]), ystart = as.double(W$yrow[1]), ystep = as.double(W$ystep), ny = as.integer(dim[1]), power = as.double(power), rat = as.double(numeric(npixels)), var = as.double(numeric(npixels))) #z$sd <- sqrt(z$var) retImg <- vector(length=2, mode="list") rast_names <- c("rat","var") for (i in 1:2){ outTemp <- as.im(matrix(z[[rast_names[i]]], dim[1], dim[2]), W = W) retImg[[i]] <- outTemp[W, drop = FALSE] } names(retImg) <- rast_names }, points = { npts <- npoints(X) z <- .C("idwloo", x = as.double(X$x), y = as.double(X$y), v = as.double(marx), n = as.integer(npts), power = as.double(power), rat = as.double(numeric(npts)), var = as.double(numeric(npixels))) #z$sd <- sqrt(z$var) retImg <- vector(length=2,mode="list") rast_names <- c("rat","var") for (i in 1:2){ outTemp <- as.im(matrix(z[[rast_names[i]]], dim[1], dim[2]), W = W) retImg[[i]] <- outTemp[W, drop = FALSE] } names(retImg) <- rast_names } ) return(retImg) } ################################################################# #Functions for Bisquare weighted, input distance to consider BiSq_weighted_c <-" int N, i, Nx, Ny, ix, iy; double xg, yg, x0, dx, y0, dy, d, d2, w, sumw, delta, mean, m2, r, sumw2, bD; N = *n; Nx = *nx; Ny = *ny; x0 = *xstart; y0 = *ystart; dx = *xstep; dy = *ystep; bD = *b_dist; for(ix = 0, xg=x0; ix < Nx; ix++, xg+=dx) { for(iy = 0, yg=y0; iy < Ny; iy++, yg+=dy) { sumw = 0; sumw2 = 0; mean = 0; m2 = 0; /* loop over data points, online variance estimate, see http://stats.stackexchange.com/a/235151/1036 */ for(i = 0; i < N; i++) { d = sqrt( (xg - x[i]) * (xg - x[i]) + (yg - y[i]) * (yg - y[i]) ); if (d < bD) { d2 = (d/bD) * (d/bD); w = (1 - d2)*(1 - d2); sumw += w; sumw2 += w*w; delta = v[i] - mean; r = delta*w / sumw; mean += r; m2 += (sumw - w) * delta * r; } } /* compute ratio and variance, replace denominator with sumw for ML estimate */ MAT(rat, ix, iy, Ny) = mean; MAT(var, ix, iy, Ny) = m2 / sumw; } } " CbiSq2 <- cfunction(signature(x = "numeric", y = "numeric", v = "numeric", n = "integer", xstart = "numeric", xstep = "numeric", nx = "integer", ystart = "numeric", ystep = "numeric", ny = "numeric", b_dist = "numeric", rat = "numeric", var = "numeric"), BiSq_weighted_c, language = "C", includes=HeadInc, convention = ".C") #need to update, if variance is null then the estimate should be null as well biSqW <- function (X, b_dist, ...) { stopifnot(is.ppp(X) && is.marked(X)) marx <- marks(X) if (!is.numeric(marx)) stop("Marks must be numeric") if (b_dist < 0) stop("b_dist must be a positive value") W <- as.mask(as.owin(X), ...) dim <- W$dim npixels <- prod(dim) z <- CbiSq2(x = as.double(X$x), y = as.double(X$y), n = as.integer(npoints(X)), b_dist = as.double(b_dist), v = as.double(marx), xstart = as.double(W$xcol[1]), xstep = as.double(W$xstep), nx = as.integer(dim[2]), ystart = as.double(W$yrow[1]), ystep = as.double(W$ystep), ny = as.integer(dim[1]), rat = as.double(numeric(npixels)), var = as.double(numeric(npixels))) retImg <- vector(length=2, mode="list") rast_names <- c("rat","var") z$rat[is.na(z$var)] <- NaN #those with missing variance are not a mean of zero for (i in 1:2){ outTemp <- as.im(matrix(z[[rast_names[i]]], dim[1], dim[2]), W = W) retImg[[i]] <- outTemp[W, drop = FALSE] } names(retImg) <- rast_names return(retImg) } ################################################################# #This returns images for the numerator, denominator, ratio, variance, and standard error #the ratio is the usual IDW estimate #the den is the sum of the weights #num/den is then the ratio #var is the variance, computed in the same loop!, this is the maximum likelihood variance estimate, so no Bessel correction #sd is the standard deviation, sqrt(var) #example use #set.seed(10) #n <- 100 #mydat <- runifpoint(n, win=owin(c(0,1000),c(0,1000))) #mydat$marks <- runif(n) #orig <- idw(mydat) #plot(orig) # #test <- idw2(mydat) #plot(test$var) #points(mydat, pch=".", cex=10) # #tv <- test$rat #sum(tv$v == orig$v) #sum(orig$v == orig$v) #all.equal(tv$v,orig$v) #within machine error # #example for bisquare kernel #ttt <- biSqW(mydat,b_dist=100) #as.matrix(ttt$var) #######################################################################################