[{"info":"If true, disables vitamin tracking and vitamin disorders.","default":"Default: False","name":"NO_VITAMINS","value":"false"},{"info":"Emulation of zombie hordes. Zombie spawn points wander around cities and may go to noise. Must reset world directory after changing for it to take effect.","default":"Default: False","name":"WANDER_SPAWNS","value":"false"},{"info":"Delete the world when the last active character dies.","default":"Default: no - Values: no, yes, query","name":"DELETE_WORLD","value":"no"},{"info":"A number determining how large cities are. 0 disables cities and roads.","default":"Default: 4 - Min: 0, Max: 16","name":"CITY_SIZE","value":"4"},{"info":"Keep the initial season for ever.","default":"Default: False","name":"ETERNAL_SEASON","value":"false"},{"info":"Controls what migrations are applied for legacy worlds","default":"Default: 6 - Min: 1, Max: 6","name":"CORE_VERSION","value":"6"},{"info":"Spawn zombies at game start instead of during game. Must reset world directory after changing for it to take effect.","default":"Default: True","name":"STATIC_SPAWN","value":"true"},{"info":"If true, spawn zombies at shelters. Makes the starting game a lot harder.","default":"Default: False","name":"BLACK_ROAD","value":"false"},{"info":"Only spawn classic zombies and natural wildlife. Requires a reset of save folder to take effect. This disables certain buildings.","default":"Default: False","name":"CLASSIC_ZOMBIES","value":"false"},{"info":"If true, the game will randomly spawn NPC during gameplay.","default":"Default: False","name":"RANDOM_NPC","value":"false"},{"info":"Initial starting time of day on character generation.","default":"Default: 8 - Min: 0, Max: 23","name":"INITIAL_TIME","value":"7"},{"info":"A scaling factor that determines the time between monster upgrades. A higher number means slower evolution. Set to 0.00 to turn off monster upgrades.","default":"Default: 4.00 - Min: 0.00, Max: 100.00","name":"MONSTER_UPGRADE_FACTOR","value":"5.00"},{"info":"If true, radiation causes the player to mutate.","default":"Default: True","name":"RAD_MUTATION","value":"true"},{"info":"If true, downstairs will be placed directly above upstairs, even if this results in uglier maps.","default":"Default: False","name":"ALIGN_STAIRS","value":"true"},{"info":"If true, disables vehicle part faults, vehicle parts will be totally reliable unless destroyed, and can only be repaired via replacement.","default":"Default: False","name":"NO_FAULTS","value":"false"},{"info":"Determines the movement rate of monsters. A higher value increases monster speed and a lower reduces it.","default":"Default: 100 - Min: 1, Max: 1000","name":"MONSTER_SPEED","value":"100%"},{"info":"A scaling factor that determines density of item spawns.","default":"Default: 1.00 - Min: 0.01, Max: 10.00","name":"ITEM_SPAWNRATE","value":"1.00"},{"info":"If true, NPCs won't need to eat or drink and will only get tired enough to sleep, not to get penalties.","default":"Default: False","name":"NO_NPC_FOOD","value":"false"},{"info":"If true, wearing filthy clothing will cause morale penalties.","default":"Default: False","name":"FILTHY_MORALE","value":"false"},{"info":"Season length, in days.","default":"Default: 14 - Min: 14, Max: 127","name":"SEASON_LENGTH","value":"28"},{"info":"Season the player starts in. Options other than the default delay spawn of the character, so food decay and monster spawns will have advanced.","default":"Default: spring - Values: spring, summer, autumn, winter","name":"INITIAL_SEASON","value":"spring"},{"info":"Multiplies the speed of construction by the given percentage. '0' automatically scales construction to match the world's season length.","default":"Default: 100 - Min: 0, Max: 1000","name":"CONSTRUCTION_SCALING","value":"100"},{"info":"A scaling factor that determines density of monster spawns.","default":"Default: 1.00 - Min: 0.00, Max: 50.00","name":"SPAWN_DENSITY","value":"1.00"},{"info":"If true, the game will spawn static NPC at the start of the game, requires world reset.","default":"Default: False","name":"STATIC_NPC","value":"true"},{"info":"(WIP feature) Determines terrain, shops, plants, and more.","default":"Default: default - Values: default","name":"DEFAULT_REGION","value":"default"},{"info":"If true, experimental z-level maps will be enabled. This feature is not finished yet and turning it on will only slow the game down.","default":"Default: False","name":"ZLEVELS","value":"true"},{"info":"Determines how much damage monsters can take. A higher value makes monsters more resilient and a lower makes them more flimsy.","default":"Default: 100 - Min: 1, Max: 1000","name":"MONSTER_RESILIENCE","value":"100%"},{"info":"A scaling factor that determines density of dynamic NPC spawns.","default":"Default: 0.10 - Min: 0.00, Max: 100.00","name":"NPC_DENSITY","value":"0.50"},{"info":"A number determining how far apart cities are. Warning, small numbers lead to very slow mapgen.","default":"Default: 4 - Min: 0, Max: 8","name":"CITY_SPACING","value":"4"}]